IPADS help us with fluency!

We are lucky enough to use 6 brand new IPADS in our classroom once a week. Last week we used IPADS to help us with reading fluency. Students recorded videos of partners reading a text. First they read one page all the way through, this is called a “cold” read. Next, partners took turns alternating line by line reading of the same page. After that, they switched who read first and who read second, still alternating lines of the same page. Now that they were all warmed up, had practiced good expression, intonation, and phrasing, the original partner read the same page of text for a final time. This is called the “hot” read. Whew, that’s a lot of reading. We recorded just the cold and hot reads and then were able to compare the two. Students use fluency rubrics to give partners a grade in 5 different categories of fluency. It was a lot of fun to hear and see what you sound like on the video clip!IMG_2489 IMG_2488 IMG_2487

IMG 2490 from Sarah Lewis on Vimeo.

IPADS in Team 203!

Students in Team 203 have been lucky enough to use IPADS in class for the past two weeks. So far, about 2/3 of the class has received an IPAD license that allows them to use an IPAD independently! The rest of the students are not far behind and are practicing to receive this special privilege.


Soon, we will be able to use our IPADS for all different subject areas. A few things that third grade teachers have discussed using these tools for are: fluency skills, math fact practice, vocabulary work, making movies on how to solve math problems, recording written stories, and more! There are so many possibilities and I feel so lucky to be able to use such powerful tools             in the classroom.

How would you like to use your IPAD in class?