Reader’s Workshop

Reader’s Workshop is a powerful time of day when students learn reading skills/strategies and then get to apply what they’ve learned in authentic reading tasks.

Second graders have been Buddy Reading or “Reading to Someone” during part of our Reader’s Workshop. They have learned to read quietly, stay in one spot, pick just right books, and most importantly, be a coach.

Coaching is a term we use when a student or teacher helps someone fix a mistake or miscue in reading. I wonder if these tips would be helpful when reading with a child at home . . . let me know what you think.


Click on this image to zoom in.


Continents Song

Team 21A LOVED using this song today to start our exploration of the world’s seven continents! Here’s the link so you can listen again at home. Can you name all 7 continents? How about the 4 major oceans? Quiz your families at dinner tonight, see how many they can name. Happy travels!

Continents song pic



Week Two

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we’ve been back at school for two weeks already! Two weeks, but we’ve only had seven school days and in that short time we’ve already made some great progress. Students have started both Writing and Reading Workshop. Notebooks are decorated, book bags are filled, and ideas are starting to bloom.


Mrs. Sincavage, our new math coach,  visited our classroom to create Number Museums. Students composed pieces of “art” that had a number theme. This type of understanding will help second graders understand new math concepts on a deeper level. I was very impressed with how many unique ways we could compose the same 1 digit number. Way to go, Team 21A!


Our First Week Together!

Wow, a week has gone by already! Team 21A learned a lot during our first week together! Students are feeling more and more independent while checking in and completing classroom routines. We have learned each other’s names and are making great connections with our new friends!

Have you heard about our snowball fight? How about our classroom scoreboard? Be sure to ask your child about these new parts of our team.


Remember, the transition from summer to starting the school year can be a stressful one! Teachers, parents, and students can all feel the change and need help in getting readjusted to a more structured routine. Be sure to establish an earlier bed time, a quiet space to do homework, and healthy eating habits. I know all of these things help me to be more successful and positive about getting back into the classroom.  Team 21A will have a time each morning set aside for snack. Please send your child to school with a small snack to enjoy before lunch time. Healthy snacks give your child energy for the rest of a rigorous, fun, and learning filled day!