100th Day

Team Wannabe celebrated the 100th day of school by creating 100th Day Fraction Masterpieces. Students designed a 10 x 10 piece of graph paper with 3 colors and then had to describe the fractional amount each color represented.






It’s hard to believe there are less than 80 school days left of third grade! We have a lot to be proud of and still have a lot of hard work ahead of us.

Moon gazing

Even though the frigid temperatures have kept us indoors this month, I’ve still found a few nights when I couldn’t resist looking up at the moon and admiring mrssarahlewis.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/img_1053.jpg” alt=”IMG_1053″ class=”alignnone size-full” />


What phase do you see?

Do you know what appeared next to the moon on Saturday night?


National Geographic Explorer

Snowed in . . . ? Why not read an article in the National Geographic Explorer Magazine for Kids? This is a great site where kids can read or listen to articles read aloud. You can also find past issues of the magazine to read about topics that interest you.

Click on the link below to be linked to the Nat Geo website. This link will also be categorized under Social Studies and Science if you’d like to visit it in the future.

Cover - National Geographic Young Explorer


What features of the text did you notice?

Did you learn any amazing or interesting facts?

Be sure to leave a comment so we can share what we’ve learned!

Enjoy your snow day!

What’s the root?

Do you know your Latin roots? Third graders are learning about prefixes and roots. Today we played a matching game in Fundations with roots and meaning cards. We had a great classroom discussion with many impressive word examples. The clever word sleuths in class were able to identify many different examples of words with Latin roots. We even noticed them in our class read aloud, The One and Only Ivan!


What words have you found with Latin roots today?